The objective of the Scheme DCA (Diploma in Computer Application) is to generate qualified manpower in the area of Information Technology (IT) which will enable such person to work seamlessly at any Office, whether Govt. or Private, or for future entrepreneurs in the field of IT. DCA in Multi Utility Institute is designed so that individuals who complete the certification will get a core knowledge of computer applications with various Basic software, MS Excel and advanced graphic software like Coral Draw, Adobe Photoshop, etc. Individuals who complete the certification can work as Computer operators, Computer assistants and other various basic job profiles in government and non-government organizations.
Course Evaluation:
Class participation – 20%
Class assignments – 30%
Final Examination – 50%
Students having less than 95% of class participation/attendance of a month will be considered as discontinued & No leave certificates will be entertained. Attendance will be reviewed every month.
They will issue a certificate only after appearing in the final examination which will be held after completion of the Course.
Numerical Scale Letter Grade
Percentage | Grade | Remarks |
85 – 100 % | S | All requirements completed to a high level. Significant individual initiative demonstrated in activity selection and completion. |
75 – 84 % | A | All requirements completed to a high level. |
65 – 74 % | B | Satisfactory, successful and respectable completion of requirements. |
55 – 64 % | C | Average completion of requirements 50–54% |
50 – 54 % | D | Low level, below average completion requirements. |
Below 50 % | F | Failure to meet objectives and complete requirements. |
Eligibility: 10 + 2 & above
Duration: 6 Months (360 Hrs)
Course Outlines
Introduction to Computer System (12 Hrs)
- Basic Computer Concept
- Computer Organisation
- OS & Computer Troubleshooting
- Microsoft Office 2016 60 Hrs
- MS Word
- MS Excel
- MS PowerPoint
Internet & its usage (12 Hrs)
Website Designing (HTML, JavaScript, CSS)
Multimedia (144 Hrs)
- Adobe Photoshop
- Coral Draw
- PageMaker
PC Assembly & Maintenance
Basic networking Concept
Job Profile after certification
Computer Assistant, DTP Operator, Computer Operator, etc.
Note: Course outline has been designed strictly according to NIELIT syllabus of DCA for any references visit https://www.nielit.gov.in/
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